I cannot believe how time goes by, especially when you are retired! You know how it is, when you have a day off from work and it goes by so quickly- well, that is how everyday is when you are retired! My life is flying by!
In a few days we will have a new president. I have been impressed so far that the president elect has used the internet to inform citizens. This is the first time that technology has been used this way, and I think it is a good idea. I hope that we can all come together in 2009, stop all the greed and help each other make a better world.
Christmas was great. We did not exchange presents, and the boys did not seem to mind. After all, we give them or help them get anything they need or want. Both boys are working part-time and going to school. They are busy all the time & that is good. 

Preston had some friends over and celebrated the New Year roasting marshmallows over a fire in the back yard. I was glad that he was home on that night.
We have finished the bathroom re-model (finally!) and it is on to the kitchen. They are coming on Monday to measure for granite countertops. The advantage of living in a small house is that these things don't cost as much as you think they would. I think granite countertops even in my small kitchen will look great.
I hope everyone has a safe and healthy New Year!