This is Preston losing his "snowginity" in the Alps in Switzerland. He was born and has lived all of his life in Florida. He had never even seen snow before, much less handled it and made snow balls! I asked him how he liked it - he said,
What gift(s) did he bring back for you?
What a great photo :)
I can relate...I was 18 when I saw my first snow...on a skiing trip to the Snowy Mountains in Australia. It's the most amazing thing to see it and touch it for the first time. I loved it! It's pretty ho hum to me now though :)
Seriously, I still love that first snow fall of the season...when it sticks and you wake up to a world in which everything is pristine white.
Looks like Preston had a ball :)
You did a GREAT job on Preston's room and I love that photo of him in the snow. Seeing snow for the first time and seeing so much of it must have been great fun for Preston. I was 17 when I saw my first snowflakes falling from the sky and I dropped everything to go running in a grocery parking lot to catch them. Good thing my husband was with me cause I left the baby in the shopping cart.
My first encounter with snow was one of amazement too.
Tjat is a great pic!
So glad that Preston had a great time. You will have to bring him out here during the winter to see our snow on Sierra Blanca. Hiding in the High Desert
ahh haaa...snowginity!!
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