Friday, November 07, 2008

So quiet

I am so glad the election is over. It is nice to see the television without back-biting, mud-slinging political commercials. There are a few people that are mad that their guy did not win. They will contiinue to disagree and trash talk the President. I believe that once someone is elected, that we should try to stand behind that person. We will not get out of this economic mess unless we all work together. We are lucky to live in a democracy, in the richest county in the world. We can agree to disagree - but let us all stop being so angry about everything. Well, anyway, that is how I feel about it.


Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

Your right....

and I still love G. Bush.... I know he wasn't perfect, but I feel that he did the best he could...
and we don't know everything he knew...

I pray Obama does well...
he wasn't my choice, but neither was McCain. So....

we're in God's hands....

Susan Tidwell said...

You are lucky you are not in Georgia, the commercials are still going on, for a Senate seat runoff! But at least the big decision is made - now time to move forward and unite behind our new president. Have a great weekend!

Motherkitty said...

Amen, sisters. Time to get behind our newly elected president to be. Whether we voted for him or not, I believe he's going to be an outstanding president (that is, if some nutcase doesn't try to kill him because of prejudice). So, I say let's give him a chance. We gave the other one eight years and look what happened to us, the country, the world, and the economy.

Time to stand tall!

Finding the Happy said...

Let us reach out to those who are angry about the outcome and invite them to help rebuild our nation, one community at a time.