Monday, October 20, 2008

Health news

My recent visit to the cardiologist went well. The doctor told me on my last visit in August that I may have to have another angioplasty. When I saw the doctor last week he told me that we would just wait and see for a while. He told me to contact him immediately if I had any symptoms. I am relieved that I have staved off this test, at least for a short time. I have been really good lately, staying on my diet & walking. I am feeling better, no chest tightness or pain. I am on a new medication and of course I still have my nitroglycerine tabs nearby, but overall I am much better. I am hoping that I won't have problems at least until there are more innovations in the robotic surgery. Whenever I get scared or down about my cardiac problems, I read "Matthews blog". This is the story of little Matthew & the serious heart condition that he has had since birth. Matthew & his parents show extraodinary courage in his lifelong fight. I always think of Matthew when I am at the heart doctor. I think of the tests and surgeries that he has had to face, so difficult for him & his parents. Matthew gives me hope and courage to face anything that I must go through.


Jellyhead said...

That's really good news Tuff. It must be hard living with a chronic illness, but it sounds like you stay positive and try to care for your body as best you can.

Schiplady said...

Glad to hear that things went well. I always keep a good thought for you.

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

Wow... what a surprise to stop by your blog and see that you wrote about my little Magoo!!

As soon as I saw "cardiologist".. you know I sat right up and leaned closer to the screen....

You know I'll keep you in my prayers...

and thank you for the kind words my friend.

Kerri said...

I'm glad to hear you had good news at the Dr., Tuff, but so sorry to hear about your mother. How sad, but yes, good that she is no longer suffering. It leaves a hole in our hearts though, doesn't it? (sending a hug).
I'm also sad to hear about sweet Ransome. He was a handsome pooch. You've been through a lot lately!
Happy to know that Preston likes college. That's very good news.
It's good to catch up with you! :) Stay well!