I hate change. I always want everything to stay pretty much the same. I am even resistant to switching the furniture around. Over the years I have learned to live with myself, I MAKE myself change the things that need changing - throw away the old one, get a new one, stuff you can't fix anymore. My son must have inherited this trait from me. He never likes any change. Don't move stuff around in his room, he'd rather see things stay the same. Imagine my suprise when he said to me last week that it was time for him to leave home, move closer to college, move into an apartment with a friend. First I was shocked. (Why would you want to leave home?

You have it so good here!) Shock gave way to good sense and I realized that it is the natural course of things. I just did not know it would happen so soon. He will be 20 years old in a couple of months; the time went by so fast. Did I tell him enough, show him enough? Our time together was
so short, and I told him this. He said, "It hasn't been
that short, it has been my whole life." My heart is breaking but at the same time I am happy & thrilled for him to begin this journey of his life. He is not going to Europe after all, he will only be 20 minutes away!

Aw, Tuff, I'm sorry you're sad. I know I will feel exactly the same when my last child leaves home .... bereft. Change scares me, too.
And yet, I'm sure there will be many more exciting events in his life, AND in yours. (What will you do with all that extra cash now, hmmmmm?!)
Sending you a hug (and some tissues!),
Nanc: I know it is tough. The first year Mike and Ed were both gone in the Navy at Christmas time was horrible. Even having my parents fly me to Florida to be with them didn't help. But it does pass. You taught him well and he will be fine. And so will you.....
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