Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Six weird things

I was tagged by Doubleknot to list 6 weird things about myself. Doubleknot said, "I know you are perfectly normal". HA! We will see!

1. I am a technical nut, I like any and all techie stuff.

2. I am WAY older than the young person inside my mind.

3.I am teaching myself to play the trumpet, and no one in my household knows this, I practice when I am home alone!

4. Now that I am retired and home alot, my three dogs are my new best friends!

5. I am so mechanical that I can take anything apart and put it back together.

6. I feel extraordinarily close to my "bloggie" friends.


Sandy Hatcher-Wallace said...

Aah...Your not weird at all, you sound perfectly normal. You know what? Since we're all sounding so normal to each other maybe we're all a little weird? I say that in a good way.

doubleknot said...

Thanks for playing - I liked your list and like abandoned in pasadena said it seems we are all turning out to sound pretty normal. Gee, the trumpet - good luck.