Tuesday, October 10, 2006

New graphic

The band trailer finally got the photo-graphics on last week. They used all photos taken by me! The band director designed a collage with some of the kids photos and the tiger mascot. It really gets a lot of looks when I am going down the road. It is also a lot easier for me to get through the stadium gates now; they just wave me through now that they know who I am. This Saturday starts our month of competitions. It is an exciting time for all the band members. It is a lot of work, but also a lot of fun for the kids and the parents. We have had our first taste of fall weather here, it got below 70 degrees this morning! I hope it stays that way the rest of the month.
postscript: Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you - when I took the trailer to the graphics place they asked me to BACK it into their garage. I had about a two inch clearance on each side. I was quite nervous but kept saying to myself, "what one person can do - another can do!" Practice makes perfect when backing a trailer, I just go really slow and they think I'm a pro.


Motherkitty said...

Neato trailer. At first, I thought you were backing it up to put in your garage and then realized that it was just parked in your driveway. They did a great job on the graphics and I'm sure you are proud they used all your pix. I'll bet the kids loved it. I hope your band director is appreciative of the great band booster he has in you.

Sandy Hatcher-Wallace said...

Well what an honor for you Tuffe to have all the graphics done from your photos. It looks really nice sitting in your driveway and I like the graphics on the trailer. That is really nice for competitions and any away performances. I always thought hauling a trailer would be hard...I'd never be able to back the thing up.*LOL*

Jellyhead said...

It's very eye-catching alright! Glad it was based on your photos, Tuff - good on you!

Finding the Happy said...

I have goosebumps...all those memories of high school/college band, competitions, pride and unity with my fellow band members. AWESOME!

Kerri said...

It looks SO great! You should feel really chuffed that your photos were used. That's quite an honor. I'd never have been able to back that trailer into their garage. You ARE a pro! :)