Sunday, November 05, 2006 close

We are close to the end of the band season, and we have qualified to go to the state championships. Twenty bands will compete in our division. We will have to be in the top five of that twenty in the preliminaries to even participate in the finals.
The band director doesn't think that we have a chance in hell in getting into to top five. I hope he is wrong. The kids are tired and ready for band season to be over. I hope they all give it one last real effort. It is a long shot but "I believe". Here are some photos of them performing last Saturday night; serious Preston & Matt (I hardly ever get them in the same photo.)


Shamelle said...

I just came across your site for the first time. Interesting! What instrument are you playing by the way?


Finding the Happy said...

Such intensity on their faces! With determination like that, how could they not make the top 5?

Jellyhead said...

Thinking positive is a great start...I hope your belief in the band is infectious, and they get confident, too.

Good luck to the band!

Susan Tidwell said...

I know they must be tired and ready for a break. Good luck!

Sandy Hatcher-Wallace said...

Good luck in the competitions and I hope the kids listen to you and not their band director.

Kerri said...

I can't imagine playing in 99ยบ weather. They're a bunch of troupers and obviously take great pride in their band.
I hope their director hasn't voiced his opinion to them. Encouragement is surely what they need. Good for you for supporting and encouraging them so faithfully. It's a wonderful passtime for kids their age. I wish them the best of luck.