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Here's a lovely guy. In 1999 he molested some children. I put him in jail, but he is scheduled to get out in 2028 - or earlier if he gets gain time for good behavior. The nine year old girl he molested will forever be my hero. When this creep sneaked into her house one night, she was smart enough to keep her wits about her. She did what he said, but when he told her to come outside with him, she said "NO". That probably saved her life. This guy told his young female victims that he had accomplices in the other room waiting to kill their parents if they made a sound. One victim laid quietly in fear for several hours until she heard her dad wake up and she knew he was safe. We were lucky that this guy got 30 years, the streets are a little safer for a while. I know that when molesters get out of jail, they go right back for another victim. I advocate tattooing "MOLESTER" in big red letters across their foreheads. I do not think this would be cruel or unusual punishment!
This is such a creepy story. It is terrifying to think about the sick and twisted people that are out there. I try not to think about it - otherwise I'd spend my entire life fearing for my family and myself.
I'm glad there are people like you who have helped put away people like him, even if not forever. Every year a man like that is behind bars is a year he can't commit these atrocities.
For scumbags such as this, who don't deserve to breathe the same air that we do, I strongly advocate doing what happened to my male "Tom" cat. That way, if they ever do get out of prison (which they shouldn't even with good behavior), the urge will be gone. No chemical castration -- just the old-fashioned, real-life castration is good enough for them.
They shouldn't ever be released from behind bars because they always go back to their old ways -- just like my smoking for most of my life and then quitting. Even though I know I will never smoke again, I have a secret craving for that little hit of nicotine. I feel guilty about it but sometimes would give anything for one little puff. Do you think these perverts have the same thoughts?
I agree with MotherKitty...I think these perverts should be castrated. Tatooing across the forehead seems a little extreme especially if they have already paid for their crime...but castration doesn't show and takes away the desire for sex.
Thanks for the comments, but I have to disagree with you ABANDONED. The largest sex organ is the brain. Castration does not work for sex offenders. They still have the desire for children, and usually find a way to molest. A lot of these guys are molested when they were children. We must find a way to put a stop to this growing epidemic. I don't have the answers though, I wish I did.
Well, if the brain is the largest sex organ in the body, no wonder . . . If I only had a brain.
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