I will be heading out, trailer in tow, again this weekend. Preston has Magic band camp in Umatilla, Florida. I have reservations to camp in nearby Ocala National Forest. I can camp in most National and State parks for half price, because I am disabled, and it is pretty cheap to camp there anyway - usually about $15. to $18. a night. I hope to do lots more camping this summer. I have a camping "buddy" that lives in Murphy, North Carolina. He is a retired cop, used to be my partner. He has a travel trailer and we sometimes plan trips together in the summer. In 2004, we spent a week with both trailers in Stone Mountain, Georgia. It was very nice.

I am lucky to be able to travel around. I look forward
to this summer, I want to take a few camping trips. Hey, maybe I will come and see some of you!!!
I know someone who lives in Murphy, NC. She's the mother of my daughter's ex-boyfriend. The ex-boyfriend is now married to someone I used to work with, and it gets complicated from there. (I once worked for this woman's ex-husband.) You know how small towns are -- it's almost like the Appalachians where everybody is related to everybody else. My daughter has visited in Murphy in the past and she says its gorgeous. Have a wonderful travel trailer trip. Careful on the road.
Maybe we will cross paths this summer...don't run over us...we'll be the ones on motorcycles...And don't forget to wave.
The camping trips sound like fun. However, unless you have some sort of land/water vehicle, I don't suppose you'll be able to visit ME ;)
Now don't go wiping out any strangers' driveway shrubbery this time, OK?!
Have a wonderful time and do come to Tennessee. It's a hoot and a holler!
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